Welcome from Kate Burton

Kate Burton MathematicsI am independent consultant operating a highly regarded education business for the past five years successfully leading and advising schools on all aspects of mathematics.

I have a proven track record in supporting schools with improving attainment for fluency, reasoning and problem solving, and strategic subject leadership for mathematics.

Bespoke, carefully tailored support has resulted in improved Ofsted outcomes for schools’ curriculum and leadership. Using the latest research, I write and deliver specific mathematics training which focuses on developing subject knowledge and effective pedagogical approaches.

I support senior and middle leaders with their analysis of performance information, standards of pupils’ work, and evaluation of the quality of teaching and learning. I am able to keep schools updated with current and relevant information from Ofsted.

I also support schools to identifying how to strength their curriculum models and so improve outcomes in Early Years, and test scores.
Through termly updates, I provide schools with information on emerging local and national trends in mathematics.

I am a strategic partner in Click4Teaching working collaboratively with Chris Ogden (English) offering innovative creative learning contexts including STEM.

I also work with, The Severn Teaching School Alliance, The Alliance of Leading Learning, One School Global, Shropshire Primary Partnership, and West Midlands Consortium.


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My Courses

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  • Testimonials

    Millbrook Primary School

    “A massive thank you from Aimee and me for all your support and investment in Millbrook this year.

    Really proud to report that KS2 attainment in mathematics exceeds the national average.”

    Sam Westwood – Maths Subject Leader, Millbrook Primary School

    Grange Park Primary School

    “An extremely productive day working with Kate to develop a whole school approach to the progression of reasoning. We were also able to look at developing child-friendly steps towards becoming an ‘Expert Reasoner’. Kate always goes above and beyond in the support she provides and it is greatly appreciated..”

    – Joe Foley, Grange Park Primary School

    Randlay Primary School

    “Kate always makes everything so straightforward and fun that I often wonder why I didn’t think of it myself. However, I am certain that the success of Kate’s training is due to the exceptional ability she has to share her incredible depth of knowledge with others in such an inclusive and accessible way. Brilliant as ever. “

    Kirsty Parkingson – Randlay Primary School

    Newdale Primary School

    “Kate has worked alongside our teachers for many years now and we can say with confidence that her input and support contributes significantly to fantastic outcomes for all our pupils.

    ‘Pupils of all abilities make excellent and sustained progress across the school standards in reading , writing and mathematics are well above national figures at the end of key stages 1 and 2.’ Outstanding Ofsted report 2017

    The CPD provided by Kate is outstanding – she understands the demands of being a classroom teacher and allows teachers to use her ideas in such a way that brings the best out of not just them, but of all the learners in our school. As a school, we always look forward to the sessions that we know Kate will be delivering. They are personal and unique to our setting and Kate really takes the time to understand what we as a school need.

    ‘The curriculum is packed full of exciting activities that fire pupils’ imaginations and lead to success.’ Outstanding Ofsted report 2017

    Our recent Outstanding Ofsted and our statutory data highlights the high standards in Maths demonstrated across all phases of our school and there is no doubt that the CPD and support that Kate has offered to us was instrumental in firing the imaginations and confidence of our teaching teams in Maths.”

    Rachel Cook – Head Teacher, Newdale Primary School

    Newport Junior School

    “I have found the support and guidance offered by Kate to be nothing short of outstanding; her approachable manner along with in depth subject and curriculum knowledge has enabled me to greatly develop my own teaching, as well as sharing new practices with colleagues.
    Kate has provided continued support in my step up to mathematical leadership and has fully equipped me with the knowledge, confidence and desire to succeed in this role.
    I have always found CPD led by Kate to be informative and rich in ideas and resources which can be used to drive progress within school. It has been a privilege to have worked with Kate on so many occasions and I look forward to continuing my working relationship with her in the near future.”

    Max Jones Newport Junior School

    Newport CE Junior School

    “I would not hesitate to recommend the support Kate can offer for Mathematics. She is extremely professional, approachable and highly knowledgeable about the curriculum and best practise in teaching and learning. The support she has given to us has been invaluable in raising standards and ensuring high quality learning provision for our children.
    Kate has supported teachers with planning and the subject leader with driving forward the curriculum offer; her skills have enabled us to ensure we offer a rich Mathematics curriculum.”

    Nicola Moody Head teacher, Newport CE Junior School